What is Your Personal Best?

Everyone is unique. Your health and wellness goals are yours, and yours alone. Your fitness program must match who you are, where you come from and where you are going. We care about and respect your individual needs and goals!

So, what are your fitness goals?

Personal Training

Personal Training - Fitness
  • Get in good physical shape and stay fit for life?
  • Achieve or maintain a healthy weight?
  • Improve posture and relieve chronic muscle fatigue and pain?
  • Enhance recreational or competitive athletic performance?

Golf Fitness

Golf Fitness Training
  • Make the physical changes you need to make to be a better golfer?
  • Enjoy golf but learn how to remain injury free?
  • Choose the right exercises that are absolutely necessary for golf?
  • Understand which exercises will help, and which will hurt? 

A Holistic Approach to Fitness

Whatever you consider to be your Personal Best, we help you achieve it. We focus on improving your health, strengthening your body and creating balance and well being in your daily life.

Personal Best Personal Training recognizes that you are an individual — you have unique health concerns, physical fitness goals and lifestyle challenges. The personal training program we develop for you will be a unique and exclusive health and fitness regimen that educates and guides you through all aspects of good health, personal wellness and physical fitness.

We guarantee you a personal training experience that is positive, satisfying and motivating. We are dedicated to you. Whether you are a recreational or competitive athlete looking for sports-specific training or a non-exerciser looking for a safe and effective fitness program, we help you find your Personal Best.

Getting Golf Ready

Getting Golf Ready Fitness Book

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I began working with Kathy for fitness purposes and to figure out what areas needed work that I wasn’t already getting in my kickboxing class. Kathy pointed out areas on… “Debra M., Women’s Club Champion”

Debra M., Women's Club Champion

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