To Stretch Or Not To Stretch- That Is The Question

Our long held belief in the fitness industry was that stretching pre-exercise reduces risk of injury and improves exercise performance. BUT, several recently published studies, one of which was published in The Journal of Strength And Conditioning Research, is refuting this common practice. This study demonstrated that stretching prior to intense sport activities such as …

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Walking For Exercise- Can it keep you fit?

I often get asked the questions,”What type of cardiovascular exercise is best for me?”, “Does walking count?” The answer is of course, very individual, and it depends on your goals, baseline fitness and exercise experience. Many people who first begin an exercise program can, and should, use walking as a way to burn calories and …

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Calcium/Dairy Products Aid Weight Loss

Many dieters give up dairy products like milk and cheese thinking the fat content is inappropriate for a sound weight loss regimen. In addition, adult women and men, in general, neglect drinking milk, thinking “it’s just for kids”. However, several recently published research studies have shown a link between consumption of dairy products and successful …

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Low Carb Low Down

With so much contradictory nutrition information thrown at us on a daily basis, how do we know what works and what doesn’t work? What is healthy or unhealthy? The recent low carb craze, like many other diet crazes of the last few decades, has gotten way out of hand. Carbs are not our enemies! Our …

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