Personal Training Frequently Asked Questions

Do athletes really need sport performance training, or can they just work out at a gym like regular fitness enthusiasts?

“Sports Performance Training” is the fastest growing aspect of personal training because of the decades of research demonstrating the positive effects of specific exercises for specific sports. The various physical needs of a tennis player or golfer are vastly different from those of a runner, or a soccer player. Injuries are prevented by incorporating exercises which mimic the activities of each sport. Most gym-based strength training equipment cannot mimic sports performance movements.

Do I need to diet as well as exercise, or will exercise alone give me good results?

We try to discourage “diets”, as they are often only a temporary fix for a long-term problem. We do highly encourage healthy eating through permanent behavioral changes that you can live with. A healthy diet, combined with adequate exercise, will help you achieve your desired goals much faster than either diet or exercise alone. And, exercise and healthy eating together will ensure that you keep off any excess weight for the rest of your life!

Do I need to purchase expensive equipment or have an exercise room to train at home?

No, there is no need to purchase any equipment until you have had your initial appointment with your trainer. At that time, the trainer will advise you as to what types of equipment to buy. Often, the trainer will lend you equipment to try out for the first few weeks and then can tell you how to order the equipment.

Examples of equipment the trainer may ask you to use are physio balls, medicine balls, free weights, elastic tubing and jump ropes. Very little space is actually needed to train at home. A 10 x 10 area free of furniture and other obstacles is all that is needed.

How long will it take before I see results?

Generally, it takes 8-12 weeks before you begin to “see” results. What type of results you “see” is very individual and depends on your baseline fitness, how hard and how frequently you exercise, and what your goals are. More importantly however, you will “feel” the results of exercise almost immediately. We try to de-emphasize the obsession with the visual results, and pay more attention to all of the other wonderful things exercise can do for you like increase your energy, reduce stress levels and improve your strength.

How often can I speak with the trainers at Personal Best?

You can contact the trainers at Personal Best by email, and should expect a reply within 24 hours. If you are a “Long Distance Training” client, you will have a weekly phone coaching session at a time of your convenience, as well as email accessibility. If you enjoy and require maximal motivation and support, it is best to have weekly phone coaching sessions PLUS monthly one-on-one sessions with your trainer.

How often should I exercise?

In general, it is recommended that you start with 3 exercise sessions a week. Over time, you can progress to 5-6 days a week. If you progress slowly, and vary your exercise routines, you will avoid any overuse injury or exercise burnout. This is why it is important to seek advice from a fitness professional—to discover how to save yourself from injury and burnout!

I’ve never exercised before, is strength training safe for me?

Strength Training is safe for most everyone, but we always recommend that you check with your physician before starting any exercise program. As long as you start slowly, and do not try to progress too quickly, you will find wonderful benefits from weight lifting. For more information about strength training, see the article “Beginning a Strength Training Program”.

What is “core” training?

The “core” muscles of the body are generally those muscles which attach to and stabilize the spine. These muscles must be trained adequately in athletes and weekend warriors alike to prevent injuries that can occur when instability and poor balance and coordination are due to poor “core strength”. Golfers, for example, typically injure their arms and shoulders when their abdominal and back muscles are weak and inflexible.

Why is it important that I check with my physician before I start an exercise program?

Depending on your age and health history, there may be some important tests the doctor may need to perform before you begin exercising. Tests such as an EKG, a stress test, blood tests and more, are especially essential if you are over 40 years old, overweight, or have a history of disease or illness. The doctor may have recommendations on what type of exercise you can perform, and this “team” approach to your health is what Personal Best Personal Training is all about! Your trainer will stay in contact with your physician, ensuring that you and your individual needs are met.

Will you put me on a diet?

Personal trainers cannot legally tell their clients what foods to eat or give meal plans as they are not degreed nutritionists and, it is against our “scope of practice” to give advice on specific supplements that our clients should take. However, what we can and will do is review the foundation of healthy nutrition, and assist clients on tracking their nutrition through food logs to create awareness and accountability.

We can help you make permanent lifestyle changes and behavior modifications which will allow you to “know thyself” and thus find success. If a client has complicated medical problems or health needs, they are often referred to a nutritionist for more in depth assistance.

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Kathy P., 50