Speaking & Workshops

Kathy Ekdahl, certified personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach and fitness and yoga instructor, is an enthusiastic, highly sought-after keynote speaker and presenter who frequently delivers private and public workshops and programs. Examples of private workshops and programs that are available include:

  • Fit for Golf Introductory Workshop
  • Strength and Conditioning for Softball
  • Yoga and Fitness for Equestrians
  • Proper Warm-ups and Cool-downs for Runners
  • Rethinking Your New Year’s Resolutions
  • Healthy Nutrition for the 21st Century
  • Posture and Pain – Overcoming Work Related Poor Posture

The most popular workshop topics are:

Fit for Golf

Pre-season conditioning is the best way to get fit—and—keep fit and healthy for the whole golf season and beyond. This valuable workshop introduces you to the fundamentals of golf conditioning, a must for pros as well as weekend hackers. Kathy Ekdahl, Certified Personal Trainer and golfer, focuses on enhancing overall flexibility while improving core strength and posture in order to improve your golf swing and decrease your risk of injuries. Strength training and yoga postures specific to golf are demonstrated. When attending this workshop, wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a golf club and a set of light weights.

Yoga Basics

Yoga is an ancient practice first developed in India almost 4000 years ago. It has found new popularity over the last decade as baby boomers, seniors and athletes alike are discovering the many ways Yoga can improve health, wellness and life balance. This introductory yoga class will focus on the basic principles of yoga; pranayama, or breath work, asanas, or poses, and relaxation, or meditation, so that attendees can experience the Yogic link between the body, mind and spirit. Yoga IS for everybody!

Yoga Strong

Kathy can teach yoga classes at your facility. Kathy has been teaching yoga since 1997 and has created a yoga class that is doable for all fitness levels. Kathy’s class, which she calls “Yoga Strong”, incorporates traditional yoga poses with a mobility focused warm-up and strength focused asanas. The class always finishes with Savasana, a period of rest and meditation that is the perfect finish to your yoga experience. Mind, body and spirit are united in Yoga Strong.

Secrets of Safe, Effective Strength Training

Strength training or weight lifting, has always been associated with young male bodybuilders and elite athletes. But with recent research pointing to the incredible importance of a strong musculoskeletal system, it has gained popularity with all fitness enthusiasts, from women to seniors to high school athletes. This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of strength training, while covering some of the secrets of a truly effective strength training program, including how to develop your abdominal muscles, how to improve posture through weight training, and what exercises to avoid to reduce your risk of injury.

Healthy Back, Healthy Living

Your back is part of the center, or core, of your body, from which all of your strength originates. The health of your back influences all aspects of your life, from posture, to work, play and even sleep, and an unhealthy back can be a painful burden that none of us should have to carry. While close to 80% of all of us experience some back pain during our lives, the vast majority of back pain can be alleviated through simple stretches, core strengthening exercises and proper body alignment. This workshop will explore some of the cause of minor, chronic back pain and teach you quick easy exercises, back safety tips and postural awareness techniques that can help get you back on track to a healthy back.

About Kathy Ekdahl

Kathy Ekdahl - Personal Training / Golf Fitness Instructor

Kathy is a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and a Titleist Certified Golf Fitness Trainer. More »

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I began working with Kathy for fitness purposes and to figure out what areas needed work that I wasn’t already getting in my kickboxing class. Kathy pointed out areas on… “Debra M., Women’s Club Champion”

Debra M., Women's Club Champion

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